Wednesday, 23 December 2009

The best laid schedules of mice and men

Christmas is almost here and the relatively small amount of snow we've had has thrown the country's transport system into chaos, rail services are being canceled or running restricted services, motor ways have turned to ice rinks, the roads to car park and trains have been breaking down in under-sea tunnels.

The biggest problems for us has been that parts of America are having the same sort of issues which stopped CK sisters “the pink whirlwind” arriving at the weekend.. She has managed to reschedule to a different flight, this time going through Chicago which is better equipped for cold weather so should deliver her successfully on Christmas Eve.

Fingers crossed that this new flight goes without a hitch as it will be the first time she and AG will meet in person, this should be a great family Christmas and will be really touching to see AG and her Auntie bonding.

I can't wait!

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Moving in day

Well today is our official moving in day!

I'm not there as I only have one days holiday left to take and we are employing some hairy armed men to do the heavy lifting, so all I have to do is go home to a different place to which I left!

Don't get me wrong, I've be doing my bit boxing stuff up and ferrying down by car. I even decided to show my DIY prowess  by assembling our new bed, whilst CK and baby looked on, after I finished I took a proud step back to admire my work only to discover I'd assembled half of it upside-down.

Luckily with CK's help we made short work of re-doing it all and we now have a bed (the right way up)

Wednesday, 9 December 2009


we are going to be moving into our new house soon!

So we have somewhere to eat dinner, CK bought a lovely Oak table on ebay from a young family round the corner and yours truly was sent off to collect it.

On arriving I found our taste in tables and choice of areas to live in wasn't our only similarity,  the dad looked like me, the mum like CK and the baby like AG.....spooky.......

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Baby got boob

AG always finds ways to make me laugh, this morning it was her relationship with food.

When she's hungry and presented with a boob she's straight in there like a shopping addict at the January sales, however when she's full, she's like a supermodel that has been offered a pie, all flaying arms as if to say "get that thing away from me!!"
