They say "The circle of life" as if it is a salve to injustices of life.
There is no more personal than the baggage of DNA, as much as you want your kids to be a better version of you and you want to be that for your parents, DNA is there, pinning you to previous generations you never even met.
I have been thinking about this recently, my mother has just had, like her mother before her, a degenerative diagnosis, it makes me wonder what is waiting in my DNA and what we have given our kids.
I guess I should take some comfort in knowing technology is moving on apace, so things should be better for my mother's generation than it was for hers, and in turn, knowing that for my kid's, medical technology will be able to treat in the future whatever is concealed in their chromosomes even better than it would for me now.
"The circle of life" is, and has been even more immediate for a couple of friends of mine, I won't share their stories here as they are not mine to tell, but it's cruel, and I cry.