Wednesday, 28 December 2022

One man can make a difference

 The Eighties TV series Knight-Rider had the tagline "One man can make a difference" and was about a man who stood up for what was right, even if he was the only man who did so.

Dad loved that kind of show, whether it be David Carridine, Clint Eastwood or Keanu Reeves making a difference despite others was what he loved, admired and was himself.

He had many stories from his past where he stepped forward, stood up and saved people from situations where others simply stood by.

I  too would like to think I have that trait and only in later life to realise it may have been more inspired by him than I realised.

Well done dad, you made a difference.

Sunday, 25 December 2022

Nifty fifty

 So I'm fifty....

I've lost friends, had a nice party where I danced with old friends,  and I'm losing my hair.

Now I have just passed another milestone, I now have one less parent.

So what can I say about my dad.

Moaney old git, well yes...

But, he was also someone who would stand up for you and what he believed in.

He was someone who worked all the jobs he needed to work in order to provide for his family.

He was a mine of .... information

and he and he had a twinkle in his eye.

He was the kind of man who could enjoy having his family around him, and in his later days would have reflective moments where he was not afraid to say he loved you and give you a hug.

My kids observation idea of his perfect afterlife includes good wifi and a fully charged ipad.

Looking at the man in the mirror

Aside from the lyric in the song and seeing in used as part of a American hallucengtic healing tv show I     had never come across the simply power of spending time looking dead in the eye at the person staring back from the mirror.

For me, I had the experience whilst getting my Christmas haircut (I am writing this on Christmas day 2022), admitidly I have had an eventfull year and whilst there a million chiche's about keeping going this year has been an experience.

The year started with losing another friend this time it wasn't a quick one, but to be able to support her and her family though the process was a priveldge, she was a funny and generous, and in particular a great friend to CK.

To lose a peer and friend  is hard , but to see at her wake photos of her growing up to photos of her as a little girl brought home how is must of been for her father to lose both his wife and his daughter to the big-c.

The year ended with the  bign-c coming even closer to home, this time my dad, so here I sit about to have my first christmas with just one parent, however with it not being a suprise I got to spend a morning with him alone shortly before the end, just talking and watching the rememberance day cermony on the TV in his room.

I am sure there is more I can say, and maybe I will in time, but for now, I just want to say.

Love you dad.