Tuesday, 19 April 2011

back home

I'm back home on paternity leave surrounded by my newly extended little family, but how did I get here?

Well it started on 2:30am on Thursday morning, AG woke with teething and I noticed CK was up already and had been since ten minutes early when contractions had started.

After quick call to the maternity ward we found that they were full and we'd be in the posh "Oasis birthing centre" instead and that we'd would have to worry about coming in for another hour.

Well, a few minutes later the idea of us waiting an hour when out the window when the time between CK's contractions dropped from 6 to 2 minutes, we raced to car (well waddled quickly in CK's case) then flew toward the hospital (with only one wrong turn due my addled brain).

So far so good then halfway there, CK said we needed to phone them as she felt the baby was close, then a few minutes on she could feel his head between her legs.

Thanks to the cars handfree kit as we screamed into the car park the midwives were waiting, as mounted the car onto the pavement the team surrounded the car and ordered the security staff to get some privacy screens as he was going to be delivered in the car!

Luckily it seems if an animal is not happy with their surroundings they can temporarily halt a birth, thanks to this, he popped his head back in and we were able to get CK upstairs and on a bed, a few seconds later, I was a dad again.

Lessons I've learnt is to have all the hospitals numbers in your phone (we had to pull over to get the numbers from our bag) and to check the pain relief machine actually turns on, not just the battery's work.

Really it was a bit of luck he came in the middle of night as if we'd been any more time getting there I would have to have delivered him myself.

14hrs later were sent home exhausted but happy with a little boy called TC

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